The design of assemblies or the analysis of highly stressed components requires the availability of design data and technical drawings.
If this information is not available, the measurement experts at Q-Tech can help you. With the help of reverse engineering and the prior digitization of manually manufactured components in 3D, we produce complete design data so that your design department can continue working directly with it.
Our state-of-the-art measurement technology offers the unique opportunity to reconstruct your design data completely and non-destructively - even when assembled.
Avoid costly design work and rely instead on reverse engineering and reverse engineering from the measurement experts at Q-Tech. Whether multi-component parts, tool inserts or damaged assemblies, we capture complex geometries in full and generate digital design data from the original component. In addition, our process enables us to use and take into account the latest manufacturing technologies.
In accordance with your individual requirements, we take into account production-relevant specifications and enable your design department to transfer precise volume data (actual state) into a meaningful CAD model (STEP).